Category: Business

  • What is Negative Cash Flow?

    What is Negative Cash Flow?

    To understand the concept of negative cash flows ones must first understand what the term cash flow denotes. This is measure of what goes in and out of a business within a set period. Thus, for a business with a fit cash flow, the expenses match the income.

    As such, negative cash flow occurs when a business uses more money then it generates or takes in within a specified period. The situation often occurs during the start of a business and can last for months or years as the firm tries to find stability in its operations.

    While negative cash flows often point to the disparity in revenue flow, it is not an indicator of loss rather, a conflict between the expenditure and income. To gain better understanding of negative cash flows, owing to the disparity between its definition and naming, it is essential to understand its causes and as such its management. The section below outlines more information on negative cash flows.

    What is Negative Cash Flow?

    Causes of Negative Cash Flow

    All actions that result in low earnings for the business affect the cash flow negatively.

    Low Profits

    The mismatch between expenditure and income denotes negative cash flow and a businesses main source of income is profits. Factors such as low productivity, high operation costs and high cash flows may reduce the profits garnered and in turn led to negative cash flow as the income will be relatively low.

    Incorrect Pricing of the Products

    This directly affects the profits and therefore the income. Product pricing is challenging especially for small or new businesses. In order to gain its market share, a new business must offer lower prices which affects profit in the same way that high prices will affect reduce profits due to low sales. Both the alternatives impact the income generation abilities of businesses. If coupled with poor marketing strategies, negative cash flows are sure to occur in an effort to keep up with operations.

    Expedited Growth

    In most cases, investments are a positive for a business however, when they are a young or small, overinvestments can lead to negative cash flows. For instance, investing in high maintenance assets can force the business to operate in cash flow deficits. Also uncoordinated hiring, uncoordinated financial tracking, and unorganized operations can also affect the cash flow negatively.

    Inability to Manage Account Receivables

    This may stem from payments past due from customers. The outstanding receivables affects a businesses ability to pay their suppliers or manage other production needs, and overheads. In response business tend to spend more to maintain their operations.

    What is Negative Cash Flow?

    Effects of Negative Cash Flow

    Aspects of business that are profoundly important to its successes include revenue supervision, profits supervision and the management of cash flow. Negative cash flow can affect a business sustainability. The effects of a negative cash flow can include:

    Stunted Growth

    The management of negative cash flow can take the focus away from other challenges and strategies to foster change. This also influences the companies ability to increase cash flow which ensures its growth remains stunted

    Increased Bank Charges and Interest Rates

    Equity infusion and debt funding are the two major approaches to dealing with negative cash flows. Debt funding which if often the route taken by small and new business has consequences as there is the need to pay back interests putting a strain on the firms long term profitability goals.

    Investors will be Displeased

    Investors are essential to a business and they often look at the cash flow statements to direct their decision’s. The inability to manage cash inflow and outflow in the long run reduces chances of continued investments thus a loss in a vital source of funding.

    What is Negative Cash Flow?

    How to Manage Negative Cash Flow

    The management of negative cash flows is essential to foster sustainability. To manage the situation leaders must partake in activities such as the management of expenses and the creation of emergency budgets.

    Reducing Expenses

    One can accomplish this by constantly reviewing the expenses to establish which overhead and operating costs can be reduced without greatly influencing the firms agenda and growth.

    Creating Emergency Budgets

    The creation of such budgets help business to meet some expenses in times of crisis as opposed to taking from vital operational funding thus reducing or eradicating negative cash flows.

  • What is the Most Important Thing in Entrepreneurship?

    What is the Most Important Thing in Entrepreneurship?

    Becoming an entrepreneur requires courage, self-discipline, and willingness to take risks. It’s not an easy road, but the rewards are worth it. You will learn what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur. The world of entrepreneurship is full of opportunities for those with the passion and determination to succeed. If you are serious about starting your own company, check out the essential things in entrepreneurship below.

    Know Your Audience

    As a new entrepreneur, you need to know who your customers are. This will help you to design a product or a service that appeals to a particular niche. You can also create a marketing strategy that resonates with your ideal customers.

    If you don’t know your audience, you will struggle to reach them. You can do this by conducting surveys, finding information online, or talking to people in your network.

    Define Your Niche

    Before you even think of starting a business, you need to create a niche. This is not only important for marketing purposes but also branding purposes. If you define your niche, you will have more specific ideas and a smaller market to appeal to. This will make it easier to reach your audience and achieve your goals.

    What is the Most Important Thing in Entrepreneurship?

    Be Passionate and Determined

    You need to be passionate and determined to succeed. Passion allows you to see opportunities where others see challenges. Even if you have a great idea, you won’t succeed without determination. You need to be resolute about overcoming any obstacles that you come across.

    Run your own marketing research

    Entrepreneurs often view marketing as a distraction from their core business. This is a huge mistake, as it is essential to reach your target audience. You need to grasp the basics of marketing to promote your business. You can run your marketing research to determine what strategies will work best for your business.

    Start by reading books and blogs to learn the marketing basics. Then, you can test different strategies to see which ones work best for your business. This will save you money in the long run by avoiding expensive mistakes.

    Have a Solid Business Plan

    Your business plan is your roadmap to success. It will help you understand your goals, stay focused, and reach your objectives. You must create a detailed plan that includes your goals, financial projections, and marketing strategies. This will help you to stay on track and achieve your goals. You also need to be realistic.

    Be honest about your strengths and weaknesses and have a solid plan for addressing potential problems. This will help you to avoid costly mistakes that could derail your business.

    Self-discipline is key

    Entrepreneurs need to have plenty of self-discipline. You will have to work long hours and experience plenty of challenges throughout your journey. If you are not disciplined, you will find it difficult to succeed as an entrepreneur. You need to be disciplined with your time, money, and energy. This will help you to avoid wasting these valuable resources and also help you focus on the most important tasks.

    You need to have the discipline to follow your business plan. You also need the discipline to reject short-term gains for long-term success. Many entrepreneurs make the mistake of sacrificing the future for short-term gain. If you lack discipline, you will fall into this trap.

    What is the Most Important Thing in Entrepreneurship?

    Networking is crucial

    It is essential to meet other entrepreneurs in a similar position to you. You can learn a lot from these individuals, and they can be useful contacts in your business journey. You can also offer your services to these entrepreneurs to help build valuable connections.

    You also need to spend time networking with people outside of your industry. You can learn new skills, share your ideas, and receive valuable feedback from these individuals. Networking is a two-way street. You need to be genuine and offer value to others in your network. You also need to learn how to receive feedback without taking it personally. These skills will help you to build valuable connections that will help you to succeed in your business.

    Take risks and be resilient

    Entrepreneurs are risk-takers by nature. You also need to be resilient when things don’t go as planned. You also need to be resilient when you receive criticism and negative feedback. Resilience will help you to bounce back and succeed in the long run. Taking risks and being resilient are both essential parts of entrepreneurship. You need to be prepared to face challenges and adversity.


    If you can find the courage to start your own business, develop the self-discipline to keep your expenses down, and learn to take risks, you will be well on your way to success. Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart. It takes a lot of courage, determination, and energy to succeed in this line of work. However, the rewards are well worth it if you have what it takes.

  • Factors That Increase Cash Flow

    Factors That Increase Cash Flow

    Cash flow is the virtual movement of money, coming in and going out. It is important to keep an eye on cash flow to ensure it’s not too high or too low. In a company, cash flow is also the function of each department’s expenses, which is why it’s essential to create-time budgeting spreadsheets for those departments so that you can manage their cash flows effectively. The main factors that increase cash flow include.

    Factors That Increase Cash Flow

    The Factors That Increase Cash Flow

    1. Having a Budget and Sticking To It

    It is important to be realistic when it comes to setting monthly budgets. This is because if you put a budget that is too low and know it, you’re more likely to spend than the budget allocation allows. When this happens, your business risks experiencing cash flow problems.

    2. Proper Employee Management

    Hiring and keeping the right people is a massive factor in ensuring your business has enough cash flow. This is because the wrong people can hurt your business in two ways. Not only are you paying them to work, but you’ll also have additional expenses that they are creating because they are inexperienced or underqualified.

    3. Steady Clients

    Having steady clients that pay on time and in full increases cash flow because you know exactly how much money will be coming in every month. It also decreases your chances of writing off bad debt or getting stuck with inventory that you can’t sell.

    4. Investing and Financing

    Investing and financing money into your business to grow increases cash flow because you know that it will be coming in, and it also means you’ll be able to do more work. It doesn’t matter if it’s investing in your company or making a loan; these things make up a considerable portion of cash flow.

    5. Having the Right Suppliers

    Suitable suppliers increase cash flow because they can produce things for you at a reasonable price and on time. This way, you don’t have to worry about having unsold inventory or holding cash with your suppliers until the product is ready.

    6. Having Your Products and Services

    Having your products and services increases cash flow because you don’t have to pay someone else to do it for you. It also allows you to profit from doing what is essentially work for yourself.

    7. Working Capital Acquisition

    Working capital acquisition means controlling the speed of your spending compared to how fast you bring money in. This is a significant factor in determining if you will suffer from cash flow issues. Learning how to spend money wisely and only when you need it is essential.

    8. Offering Prepayment Rewards

    Offering customers the option to pay in advance for their orders increase cash flow because it means you’re holding less cash, and it also gives you more time to get the job done without worrying about having your customer come up short.

    9. Consider raising your prices

    Although it’s a last resort, having to increase your prices can increase cash flow. This is because it means more money will be coming in, and you can keep up with the cost of living. Furthermore, customers paying more are more likely to stay loyal and buy more of your products if they like them.

    Factors That Increase Cash Flow

    The Benefits of Increasing Your Cashflow Are;

    1. Financial Security

    This is very desirable for most business owners. You can feel safer trying out new ideas and projects when you have more cash. This is why it’s crucial to increase your cash flow because if the new argument fails, you don’t have to worry about it.

    2. Being Able To Save

    Being able to save is also a significant thing to have as a business owner. This is because it allows you to spend when you need to. For example, if your bicycle shop has been doing well and you have more money than you expect, then instead of just spending it, you should use it as extra cash that can be saved and used in your business later down the road.

    3. Financial Growth and Stability

    The biggest reason companies have a high cash flow that they’re profitable. If your business isn’t making money, it can quickly become unstable and even fail. So it’s important to get your cash flow in check so that the only thing you worry about is keeping up with the required expenses.

    Final Verdict

    Cash flow is vital in any business venture because it makes up a considerable portion of the total income. This means that when you have cash flow problems, the chances are that your payment is also suffering. Inadequate cash flow can also lead to more significant issues for the business that could cost you more than money if you fail to address them. By following the steps listed above, you should be able to increase your cash flow and have a better experience in general.

  • What is an Example of a Cash Flow?

    What is an Example of a Cash Flow?

    Cash flow is an integral part of any business and forms a critical management tool. It refers to the increase or decrease in the amount of money circulating in a company. Cash flow is a strong predictor of a company’s financial status. Business owners use cash flow to determine how money is generated or used to run the company in a given time frame. It is reported on the firm’s cash flow statement. Several types of cash flows play an essential role in running the daily operations of a business and performing financial analysis.

    What is an Example of a Cash Flow?

    Types of Cash Flow

    There are four types of cash flows: operating activities, cash flow, free cash from the equity flow, free cash flow from the firm, and the net change in cash.

    Operating Activities Cash Flow

    Operating activities and cash flows are the core revenue-producing tasks of the company. They refer to the cash generated by a firm’s core business activities, including sales, purchases, and expenses related to daily operations. Money generated from operating activities does not include cash from the investment. It is usually found on the statement of cash flow of a company. The cash from operating activities, as found in the statement, includes money used and cash generated from various business activities. The operating activities may include:

    • Receipts from sales of goods.
    • Payment of interest and income tax.
    • Payments of supplies of goods and services.
    • Payments of wages to employees.
    • Rent payments.
    • Other operating expenses that a company may incur.

    Investment companies also generate receipts from the sale of loans or equity, which form part of the cash flow from operating activities.

    The company’s chief financial officer may present cash flow operating activities through a direct or indirect presentation.

    Direct Presentation

    Cash flow operating activities are presented as a list containing cash in from sales and cash out for capital expenditures. Although the direct presentation of cash flow is simple, it is rarely used.

    Indirect Presentation
    Operating activities’ cash flow is a reconciliation from profit to cash flow. During reconciliation, companies use different profits, including operating profit, profit from tax, or net income, to determine operating cash flow from operating activities.

    Free Cash from Flow of Equity

    Free Cash from Flow of Equity (FCFE) refers to cash available after a company reinvests into the business. It is cash from investing activities and includes uses and sources of money from firms’ investments. Free cash flow from equity is the amount of money a business generates and is potentially available for distribution to shareholders. It is calculated as cash generated from operations less capital expenditures. FCFE can be calculated from the statement of cash flows,

    Free cash flow from equity also includes the sale and purchases of assets, loans advances to vendors or received from clients, and payments made or receipts from mergers and acquisitions.

    The change in cash from investment activities is considered a cash-out. Cash-in occurs when a company disposes of an asset to increase circulating money. Cash-out occurs when a company utilizes funds to acquire new equipment, buildings, and securities.

    Free Cash Flow from the Firm (FCFF)

    FCFF refers to cash flow that is available to all investors of a company, and it includes both equity and debt. It is the amount of money available to all debt and equity holders after operational expenses, investment in working capital, and capital expenditures are made. It results from financing activities that lead to changes in the composition or size of the equity capital or borrowing of the entity. Free cash flow from the firm includes cash flows associated with repayment and borrowing bank loans. It is also associated with buying and issuing shares.

    Additionally, the payment of dividends is also treated as an FCFF. FCFF is used in financial modelling to establish a company’s enterprise value. It determines the amount of money that debt and equity holders can access.

    The Net Change in Cash

    The net change in cash is the change in cash flow from one accounting period to another. Businesses capture net change in the cash flow statements. The net change in cash is the summation of the money used by the firm in various operating, financing, and investing activities. It forms a reconciliation of cash position and connects to the balance sheet. This cash flow brings together the three financial statements and helps determine an increase or decrease in money for a given accounting period.

    What is an Example of a Cash Flow?


    Cash flow provides critical information that helps management make informed decisions to regulate business operations. It shows the financial position of the company. Businesses cannot operate without cash and must closely monitor cash inflows and outflows to ensure their net money remains sufficient to cater for unexpended cash obligations. CFO must continuously analyze cash flow statements to gain insights into cash-related issues.